Monday, January 31, 2011

"Dead Set" revisited!

Hello Zombie fans, and more specifically fans of E4's "Dead Set"!

If you don’t know what I’m talking about look here:

What I'm setting out to do here on this Blog is to continue the story of the lives of some of the characters of Dead Set. If you've watched the series (and it is essential viewing prior to reading the story on here) you may well remember the moment as the character of Alex is turning the wheel of the Loch gate while Riq sits in the boat waiting; well this story changes from Charlie Brooker’s story from that moment.

I'm going to begin the story on the same day as Dead Set, only from the perspective of a new character. A character that changes everything!

The reason why I'm doing all this began a couple of days before Christmas day of 2010 when a friend of mine, (Werner S) gave me and my wife an unexpected Christmas present! Knowing we were both Zombie movie fans he gave us the DVD of Dead Set. Neither I nor my wife had ever heard of it. In fact when I put the DVD in the player I hadn't even bothered to read the back to find out what it was about. I presumed it must be about zombies?

Anyway I began watching it, and to be honest I thought my friend was taking the piss because I thought I was watching an episode of Big Brother! Anyway, a few more minutes into it and I began to understand what was going on, and I was very intrigued indeed! After a while I was VERY interested in what was happening and realised my friend had picked something quite special!

Anyway over the next three days we watched it all. We loved it! The story was simple, yet complex all at the same time. But the one thing that kept playing over and over in my mind was Alex and what happened to her.

I'm the sort of guy who's attracted to strong minded women and as any of you who have seen Dead Set will know, Alex is exactly that! So I'd re-watch her parts paying close attention to her acting. She (Liz May Brice) is VERY good and has some very effective moments of subtle facial expressions which convey her state of emotional well being.

Anyway, so I started thinking to myself how things may have turned out differently if things for Alex developed in another way, and so began this story. Charlie Brooker has written an amazing story and I realise some fans will want the story left well alone as it ended quite effectively. I however am a fan who wants to see where this could have gone if just one thing changed. And that is what I have done, I hope you like it!

I'm quite interested in what you all think about this, both positive and constructive negative comments will be appreciated. I am not a "writer"; I actually work in a supermarket stacking shelves! As I'm no expert at this blogging thing if you can't for some reason leave a comment on the site you can email me here:

Just make sure you title your email "re-Fragments of Dawn".

Oh, and one more thing, this story is NOT for children! The subject matter will be both graphic and where appropriate to the story sexually explicit! So, if you have any aversion to graphic violence or sexually explicit content, please move on. J

You’ll find the story on the right-hand side of the Blog under Pages, titled “Fragments of Dawn”. I’ll add to the story as and when I can. I have absolutely no idea how long it will take me to finish it. I do have a beginning, middle and end in mind, but stories can tend to take twists and turns along the way, so follow along and lets see where this goes!


Richard Chafer.


Anonymous said...

I really like where you are taking this story. I can't wait to read more.

Anonymous said...

Saw your post on Britmodeller. The above link should help with your power problem, post-zombie. However, consult Weisman's "The World Without Us" pages 210-215 with regards to maintaining nuclear facilities in the event of a global catastrophe. You'll find that it's less about the power going out, than the planet going out.

Studio Gekko said...

Thanks for that! I'll go have look/read.
